now you can profit from the never-ending demand for Popular Fiction with just a few clicks of your mouse!
Hi, Amy Harrop here.
If you have ever wished you could quickly and easily create multiple streams of passive income...WITHOUT spending endless time creating the content...then you’re definitely in the right place!
I’m going to share an easy way to leverage TONS of free content to build multiple streams of income on the biggest marketplace in the world...with little to no writing needed...harnessing the power of freely available content and new AI tools.
...I think you will be amazed at the earning potential for this easy-to-create-for market I'm going to share with you today.
And it all comes down to the INCREDIBLE power of marrying
in-demand free content with AI Technology!
Profit from Popular Fiction...
Without Being A Fiction Writer!
With the popularity of fiction book sales generating over $10 billion in trade revenue in 2021, and growing ever since, the fiction market is massive. And now you can access this massive market quickly and easily.....with a brand new way to publish high-quality content people want...over and over again!
From the enduring appeal of classic genres like crime, thriller, and romance, to the growing demand for fantasy and mystery, fiction content offers a wealth of opportunities for creative publishing and reader engagement.
And according to Statista, there are SO many kinds of fiction that are highly in demand...
Classic fiction, popular genre books like mysteries and thrillers, and even short stories are incredibly popular, earning their publishers BIG paychecks each and every month...
Books searched under Classic Books for Adults bring in over $48,000 every month on Amazon, and Classic Baby Books are searched for an average of 44,000+ times every month on Amazon...and these are just a FEW of the popular fiction keywords you can publish in right now!
And, this massive goldmine of classic fiction is content that is freely available in the public domain for you to publish and profit with...
What exactly is Public Domain Fiction?
From beloved fairy tales to cozy mysteries and classic novels and short stories, these works are available for everyone to use and sell. This means that anyone can use, share, and republish these works without needing to get permission or pay royalties.
Public Domain Content is not always 'old' either...In fact, some fiction published up through the 1960's is considered public domain, depending on the copyright renewal status.

And, in the last few years there have been new legal developments that allow you to access newly released, free content each and every year.
Previously there had been no new copyright expired content in 20 years...but due to the Sonny Bono Copyright Act, MASSIVE amounts of content are now being newly released into the public domain each and every year. Short stories, novels, and much, much more!
Would you like to see some examples Of Bestselling Public Domain Fiction?
People are making money publishing
public domain content every single day!
And now You Can Grab a Piece Of This
Massive Marketplace Bonanza
Amazon KDP is the ONLY publishing marketplace in town for public domain book publishing and the the biggest self-publishing service in the world...
You can now tap into thousands of built-in buyers who already love these classics and want more..... simply by publishing incredibly popular public domain fiction books, short stories and more in 'Amazon-Approved' format...
No special skills, no writing and no inventory necessary!
In just moments, you could see your fiction book published and ready for readers who are actively searching for this content!
But, You Must Meet KDP Publishing Requirements
And They Don't Make it easy...
As anyone who's tried to publish public domain content can attest to, Amazon DOES make you jump through a few hoops. In fact, until now, if you wanted to publish public domain content on Amazon, you had to do a lot of extra work.
You can't publish Public Domain content as-is ....
Basically, because they don't want a bunch of the same content or books on their platform, the same reason they don't allow PLR content to be published. You need to 'differentiate' it to provide a unique reader experience.
How? By providing:
- Annotation (supplementary materials like analysis, study guide questions, biography, etc.) or
- Illustrations or
- Translation

But, I have GREAT news for you...
...I've created a solution and I'm sharing it with you today! Now, you can publish in-demand public domain fiction and other types of public domain content on Amazon, incredibly fast and easily.
I do all the heavy lifting for you so you can easily publish approved Public Domain content on KDP....just rinse and repeat!
And meet ALL KDP requirements!
What used to be complicated ISN'T any more...with my solution.