Brand New Release: September 24th - 30th, 2024

11am Eastern Time 9/24  Start Date

My Powerful AI Solution Turns Simple Images into Digital Bestsellers for a $1B Market...
With Just a Few Clicks!

Purple, Gadget, Font, Communication Device, Mobile device, Violet, Display device, Output device, Tablet computer, Portable communications device

What Once Took Hours, Now Takes Minutes!

 Here's What You Need To Know

Easy AI Digital Card Decks gives your subscribers a new, easy way to create card decks in white-hot niches for a booming market...with little to no writing needed...leveraging the power of a GLOBAL, hungry audience, DFY templates and my brand new AI software bot.

With the booming interest in digital products generating billions in revenue, the market for card decks is absolutely exploding.

There are a wide variety of extremely popular card decks niches that haven't become oversaturated...And now you can tap into this thriving niche quickly and easily with a brand-new way to create high-quality content that people crave.

Rectangle, Publication, Font, Book, Electric blue, Magenta, Box, Carton, Paper, Packaging and labeling

These are the kinds of in-demand and easy-to-create card decks we'll be covering in the training:

Plant, Organism, Terrestrial plant, Font, Happy, Adaptation, Grass, Groundcover, Rectangle, Thumb
Colorfulness, Purple, Rectangle, Violet, Font, Parallel, Magenta, Electric blue, Number, Pattern

And my brand-new training makes it so much easier than before...

What used to take hours or days can now be accomplished in minutes!

And that's why I've created a NEW way! The new way is quick and easy, even for brand-new beginners:

Font, Circle, Graphics, Logo, Brand, Happy, Illustration, Event, Graphic design, Science

See How My Card Deck Creator Bot Works


  • Brand New AI Software - My Card Deck Creator Bot  
    My brand new Bot does all the heavy lifting...just a few clicks and you'll get high-quality deck content to paste into AI art generators, then drop your images into the DFY templates (also included) for a complete deck. Note: No API key needed- comes with 50 uses/runs a month, resets monthly, for a minimum of 24 months. ($299 VALUE)
  • Laser-Focused Video Training 
    Nine short, over-the-shoulder videos covering everything from creating to publishing your card decks...this is laser-focused and EASY to'll get exactly what you need and nothing you don't. ($177 VALUE) 
  • Easy AI Card Deck Guide - A perfect complement to the video training, this 60+ page, in-depth guide covers so much more than just the "how"...take your deck from zero to fan-favorite!  ($159 VALUE)
  • DFY Templates & Additional Resources - From standard size decks and mini decks to Etsy mockups, you'll get done-for-you templates that will make listing an absolute breeze.  I'm also including the complex prompts that run in the background of the Card Deck case you already have an AI tool you want to use. And a workflow cheat sheet for quick reference.  ($136 VALUE)
  • BONUS: Making and Selling Canva Templates                                              There's a HOT market for templates on Etsy...and you can create your first Canva templates in only six simple steps! ($37 VALUE)

How About Some Examples Of Card Deck Bestsellers?

Product, Font, Adaptation, Brand, Art, Advertising, Paper, Recipe, Wildlife, Room
Product, Font, Brand, Sharing, Advertising, Output device, Circle, Room, Happy, Job
Product, Purple, Violet, Font, Parallel, Magenta, Electric blue, Brand, Screenshot, Rectangle
Rectangle, Font, Material property, Parallel, Magenta, Electric blue, Circle, Brand, Paper, Paper product
World, Product, Purple, Organism, Font, Violet, Adaptation, Photo caption, Event, Space
Product, Organism, Purple, Font, World, Violet, Electric blue, Brand, Paper product, Paper
Product, Font, Screenshot, Online advertising, Web page, Multimedia, Advertising, Brand, Logo, Website
Purple, Font, Violet, Rectangle, Screenshot, Parallel, Magenta, Brand, Electric blue, Software

It's never been easier to Create and sell digital card decks that generate consistent, passive income month after month.

The Card Deck Creator Bot is apowerful AI assistant, designed to take the guesswork out of creating digital card decks. Simply input your theme or keywords, and watch as the bot instantly generates card deck gold.

Join In For A Cash Prize Contest!

Drinkware, Product, Stemware, Tableware, Rectangle, Font, Art, Serveware, Glass, Illustration

Top Sellers earn cash prizes!

1st place $150
2nd Place $100
3rd Place $50

No minimum sales required to qualify. Sales must be made on Warrior+.

Contest runs from September 24th, 2024 at 11 AM Eastern through September 30th, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern.

Grab Your Affiliate Link Here

Funnel Details


Easy AI Digital Card DecksBrand new, total publishing solution with my AI software bot, over-the-shoulder video training, and much, much more.


(this is special introductory pricing; will raise to $37

at midnight ET on 10/1) 

50% Commissions


Instant Niche Journals PLRGrab all the Done-For-You content and tools you'll need to start publish printable journals, lead magnets, and more, in mere minutes!
This is rebrandable (PLR) content from a content expert that has been specially created to help you succeed in three EXTREMELY Popular printable journal niches that are NOT overcrowded with competition.


special bump pricing only
50% Commissions


Easy AI Digital Card Decks Quickstart: Expand to even more card deck niches like Print-on-Demand with more training, templates, mock-ups and expert strategies in one easy-to-follow package.


50% Commissions


Understanding Tarot and Oracle Decks for Personal Growth PLR
This bundle of Premium Rebrandable Content gives you everything you need for sales success in a growing and in-demand global market...with content 99% Done-For-You!


50% Commissions


Popular Printables MonthlyEvery month, I deliver a detailed strategy report based on a hot printable niche, highlighting sub-niches that sell, with a number of low competition options, AND provide free templates so you can start selling fast!


50% Commissions

Smile, Facial expression, Product, Sleeve, Gesture, Happy, Tableware, Red, Sharing, Art
Forehead, Smile, Nose, Head, Lip, Eyebrow, Eye, Eyelash, Jaw, Neck

Amy Harrop And Becca Crouse (JV Manager)

Contact us at if you have any questions!

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