Limited Time~Retiring These and Unavailable Soon...
What If You Could Tap Into A New, High-Demand, Low Competition Goldmine With Over 45 Million Repeat Buyers...
Now Imagine Discovering DOZENS of These Goldmines...Done-for-You for a Year's Worth of Easy Sales!
Hi, Amy Harrop here,
As you probably know, people are online buying printables like journals, planners, and more, each and every day. These products are easy to create, and people buy them over and over again...but here's the trick...for consistent sales, you need to create what people want to buy.
What if you could upload popular selling products in just a few minutes, month after month...and tap into high-demand printable niches with low competition...before your competitors?
Now You Can...
For a limited time, you can grab a jam-packed bundle of my best-selling products from last year's open to all of my subscribers, without a membership.
You will be getting ALL of my 2023 membership content...research, templates, and more!
But don't delay...these valuable DFY Quick-Publish Solutions will not be available for long... I'm retiring these.

That's right, I'm offering an entire year's worth of in-depth research, professionally-created product templates, DFY listing templates and one heavily discounted bundle!
Everything I’m including will give you EXACTLY what you need to start selling in popular niches:

Here's A Sneak Peak of a Few of the Secret Niches Included...
One of our hot monthly niches is a very special type of product that people are buying over and over again. They are super easy to customize for a variety of sub-niches.

Another one is a popular product with thousands of searches each month:

This one is popular all year long...with huge spikes in sales!

These are just a sample of the popular printable niches I reveal each and every month in your year-long bundle!
With my insider success strategies, I've made it easier than ever to tap into this pool of buyer-ready traffic! Everything I’m including will give you EXACTLY what you need to start selling in popular niches.
This is a ready-made market just waiting for you to enter. And I've made it incredibly affordable and simple with my Popular Printables 2023 Monthly Membership Blowout Sale...
Here's What You'll Receive:

My 2023 Membership Blowout Bundle gives you an entire year's worth of research and content...12 monthly packages, each one giving you:
- Hot Niche Report and Overview
- Examples of Successful Sellers
- Low-Competition, Hugely Popular Sub-Niches
- The Keywords That Will Make Your Product Stand Out
- Tips, Tricks, and Tools
- Over-The-Shoulder Template Customization Training
- Plug and Play Selling With A DFY Custom Marketplace Listing Templates
- Custom Designed Done-For-You Templates and Graphics In Niches That Are Selling Right Now
- And Much More!

And take a look at just a few of the templates included:

Here's What Customers Say About
My Monthly Membership:
I have purchased a number of Amy's products in the past and always learn something, so I didn't hesitate to join her Popular Printables monthly membership. As well as the templates, I liked the idea of finding out popular niches and how to structure my descriptions. This first month is everything I had hoped it would be, and even included a bonus month, so I am very pleased so far.
~ Carol Bremner
Very informative knowing how you can make passive income with digital printables. This product popular printables monthly is a eye opener being a newbie.
~ Anglo Branch
Popular Printables Monthly by Amy Harrop is gold. Not gold plated. Pure 24K. I’m a newbie, just getting into printables. Every Printables Marketer touts how easy and quick it is to create a product to sell and they have a system streamlined to help you do that. And most of what I’ve seen is good, worth investing time and money in.
Amy’s Popular Printables Monthly is next level up, (actually two or three levels up) taking the guesswork out of getting your printables created and to market. Her insights into niches, the sellers and market timeliness saves hours and hours of research. Trust her keyword analysis. She obviously knows what she is talking about. She doesn’t stop there. She piles on nuggets of tips and tools sure to make your product stand out.
As a novice, I see unparalleled value. Going beyond that, once I’m seasoned, I see her Monthly listings and descriptions catapulting my printables to market, saving me tons of work. I’m so grateful I found this product!
~ Fred Bannon
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. What is this course about?
This 2023 Content Bundle reveals three different niches for every month of the year...Each of these 36 printable sub-niches is high-demand and low-competition and comes complete with a monthly strategy report, DFY graphics and templates, a listing description template and more!
All you need to do is edit, print, and publish!
Q. What format are the templates in?
The templates are in easy-to-edit PPT and Canva formats. You can open and edit the PPT files in any slideshow program such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, and more.
The Canva format is easy to modify using my new favorite online photo design website, Canva. Basic accounts are free! Tutorial videos show you how to easily customize and make changes to both format types.
You will receive most of the templates in BOTH formats so simply choose which one you are more comfortable with!
Q. Do I need to have a niche, or any type of experience?
No! I'll share with you how to get started even if you're a beginner, no experience necessary. Whether you're an absolute beginner or a seasoned-pro to the world of printables, you'll be able to adapt and tweak my DFY templates and graphics to create beautiful and unique products that people will love!
Q. To Be clear, I'm NOT joining the membership when I buy this bundle?
Nope, this is a great way to try out my membership and get all of the amazing content from 2023 (at a HIGHLY discounted rate) WITHOUT being an actual member.
But after seeing for yourself the incredible value packed into each month's content, you may want to consider joining as a member to access all the amazing 2024 content!
Bundle One
Bundle Two
Bundle Three
Bundle Four
Grab All of 2023's Professionally-Crafted, Market-Ready Content at a HEAVILY Discounted Price!
All of the research reports, templates, graphics and more can be yours for just $97!
Here's everything that's included today in my 2023 bundle
Get Results Quickly Without A Lot of Time
You’re getting everything you need today so you can start taking action and see results quickly all year long...especially with my DFY templates!
All you need to do is tap into one of the under-the radar hot printable niches I reveal, customize the DFY templates, upload your DFY listing description, and you're ready to start making sales!
You could have a profitable new revenue stream within a day! But don't wait...the limited time special pricing for this bundle will end soon!

To Your Success,
Amy Harrop
Succeed With Content
P.S. This is an incredible deal!! The templates and research mean nearly all the work is done for you! You'll have multiple streams of income in no time at all.
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