Discover My Secrets To Generating Ongoing Passive Income 20X Faster With Less Effort...
All With Easy To Create Content 

 Stop Trading Time for Dollars, as I reveal How TO TURN content into MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS!...
In Only A Fraction of The Time It’d Normally Take!

Dear Reader,

Amy Harrop here.

How Soon Do You Want To Be Able To Create Profitable Content Fast?

If you’re reading this letter, I can only assume that you’d like to know how to produce high-quality, income generating content that doesn’t tie you up all the hours of the day right?

Just take a look at some of these examples of the profitable content that I have created...

More than 16,000 sales on Warrior+

Consistent top rankings on Amazon's Kindle platform

Named one of Feedspot's Top 100 Self-Publishing Blogs for Independent Authors

Now I’m not showing you that to toot my own horn. Not in the least.

And honestly, I rather prefer the stealth, behind the scenes, and lack of notoriety that most gurus receive online.

Why? Because it allows me to focus on and truly help people like you create a sustainable income as quickly as possible.

Sometimes within 30 days.

And no, I’m not pulling your chain, nor is that a typo.

I’m 100% serious about the fact that you could create a brand new income stream in a month, and rinse and repeat, over and over again.

You see, right now at this very moment, there’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for the everyday average person to change their fortunes if they really desire to.

By taking advantage of the massive need for the #1 commodity on the planet.

To put it in better terms, I’m talking about content. You see, content rules the internet. 

Let Me Give You A Few Examples of How Profitable Content Can Be...

And I can show you that path easily.

But don’t take my word for it. Listen to what a few of my students have to say about my other trainings…

“I have cut my article and content creation time down a lot. And I don’t dread doing the writing like I used to.”

~Steven Wellman

“So far I have created two products with several more in the works and I am setting up for a launch. Thank you for offering your expertise and encouragement at accessible rates.”

~Debra Lynn

“Definitely will be buying more from Ms. Amy Harrop. I feel like her brand is trustworthy. The information she releases is not just for profit but actually to help. I don’t have money to waste (who does?) Investing in Amy’s products is wise.”

~Cathy Parker-Stroger

And here is even more great feedback:

And just like those people above and countless others who I’ve helped, I can help you succeed with your own profitable content income streams as well.

I’ll tell you how in a moment, but first...

Imagine...Finally Stop Trading Time For Money...Once and For All

The fact is, when you trade time for money, it is extremely difficult to create passive income streams. Instead of trading time for money, you can build assets that pay you...over and over again.

I know the frustration that comes with slaving away in a ‘9 to 5’. I used to do the same thing. For years I was a school teacher and while I wish the best for those children, the hustle and bustle of the ‘grind’ just wore me down.

But now? I live a life that most others only dream about.

I travel to beautiful places, relax with my husband and our two cats, and just generally enjoy life on an entirely different level.

And honestly...there’s not too much that makes me any more special or different than you.


All you need is the right guide, help, and push and you’ll be on your way to creating the life that you desire. And creating profitable content can get you there easily.

Best of All, This Really Is S-I-M-P-L-E...

And that’s the beauty of this strategy.

You don’t need to be an computer wizard or Einstein.

Heck, you don’t even need to know much about all the latest technology today.

If you can follow these SIMPLE steps (and secrets) I’ll share with you and TAKE ACTION on them, then I know in my heart that you could see incredible results.

And create a brand new income stream in about 30 days - regardless of technical skill. The great thing is you can simply rinse and repeat...creating content assets you can earn from, over and over again!

I Couldn’t Even Begin To Imagine My Life Without These Strategies Today…

It’s really hard to imagine now any other life that doesn’t include these amazing content publishing strategies I’m going to share with you.

It seems like a bit surreal now, but there was actually a time where I wasn’t getting the results that come so easily now.

Not to mention, being a teacher (not that being a teacher is a bad thing,) and having to deal with commutes, boards, faculties, school politics, and sometimes students that make you want to pull your hair out, - I knew I had to come up with another way to create income streams that saved my pocketbook AND my health!

At first it was hard. I wish I could say it all just magically came together for me, but it didn’t.

But now, creating brand new income streams from all types of digital products, printables, books, and more and more is like breathing air to me.

And it’s all because of my hard-won strategies for creating and leveraging content that you’ll get access to when you become a member of Publishing Path Profits!

Publishing Path Profits

Create And Publish Outstanding Profitable Content In About 30 Days (Or Less)
Just What Is Publishing Path Profits Anyway?

This is one of the most comprehensive workshops that will show you how to build a profitable publishing empire online. Instead of trading time for money, you’ll build and leverage content assets that you can get paid for, over and over again!

Here’s a look inside of everything you’ll receive when you get started today:

5 Training Sessions

I’ll take you by the hand with comprehensive video training where I break down various ways that you can quickly and create content-based passive income streams that pay out around the clock.

Just this alone is worth at least an extra $997 as my time doesn’t come cheap. But you’ll get access for pennies on the dollar by signing up today.

In Depth Training Modules

We’re going to get right down to business and get you on the path to creating profitable content that produces sustainable passive income.

Here’s a look at the sessions we’ll cover:

Module 1 - Why Content Is The Profitable Foundation For Sustainable Income

In this module, I’ll take you by the hand and help you build a strong foundation for your brand new content publishing empire.

We’ll cover the misconceptions and pitfalls of content, the various profitable content models, creating paid content, setting up your offers, traffic, sales, scaling, and more!

Module 2 -The Most Profitable Content Models Revealed

In this module, we’ll build upon the last and add more fuel to the fire.

I’ll show you how to really get down to brass tacks and determine the profitability of your niche with laser focused analysis.

Module 3 - The Easy Way To Create Content People Love (and Pay for, over and over)

In this module, I’ll show you how to take what you already know and become an expert in your particular area of knowledge.

We’ll also look at how to create outstanding content that people absolutely love and rave over!

Module 4 - Connecting With Targeted Buyers In Your Niche

I’ll show you how to position your product for total success, how to price your products correctly, craft an amazing sales letter and/or description, and lay out all the various marketplaces you can sell your products on.

Module 5 - Rinse, and Repeat With Traffic, Sales, and Scaling

Now that we have the product ready to go, I want to show you one of the main components that you’ll need to succeed in this module.

And that’s traffic.

We’ll go through using various types of traffic and repeat traffic to make consistent sales again and again.

And the best part is that once you know how a particular piece of content is performing, I’ll show you how to I maximize every ounce of profit with techniques that can scale your profits to the moon!

You definitely don’t want to miss out on this one.

"Amy is an absolute treasure trove of invaluable content creation and self-publishing information and resources. What’s struck me time and again as I’ve consumed her material over the last several years is her seemingly never-ending collection of techniques on how to monetize content and create new and exciting publishing revenue streams. Amy’s material has been an important investment on my path to creating a 6-figure self-publishing business and I recommend her products to anyone looking to profit in the content creation and self-publishing space."

Rachel Harrison-Sund

I don’t stop there...

Step by Step Action Plans After Each and Every Session To Help You Get Results Quickly

Along with the training for each module, you’ll also receive all the necessary items to help move you along fast.

Here’s a quick breakdown of each module’s action steps...

Module 1 

  • Profitable Niche Discovery

Module 2

  • Establishing Your Expertise and Creating Products People Love

Module 3 

  • Adding Value 

Module 4

  • Positioning for Profits

Module 5 

  • Content Promotion the Easy Way

Top Notch Support

Besides all the fantastic information you’ll receive, I’ll also make sure you feel like a true V.I.P.  If you ever have a question or there’s something you feel needs attention, just send a request to my help desk and I’ll get back to you asap.


Along with the recordings, you’ll receive a transcript of every training.  Why? Because while a lot of people are visual learners, some people like to absorb the information through reading.

This way I make sure not to miss a single person in this training, regardless of how you like to learn.

Need An Extra Car? Want To Move Into A Better Neighborhood? Pay For College? Or Save For Retirement?
Just One Content Asset Could Be All It Takes...

With the strategies I reveal in the Publishing Path Profits, you’ll be granted a skill that creates multiple income streams.

Think about that.  

Once you learn this skill, no one can take it away from you.  And as long as people are curious, need help, or just crave information (which will never change) - you’ll ALWAYS have a chance to profit.

But That’s Just The Start.
Here’s Where It Gets REALLY GOOD!

While you’ll get a serious valuable skill that you can use to profit FOREVER, that’s just the beginning.  You’ll soon discover that this skill will open up more opportunities than you can handle.

I’m talking about things like:

New Opportunities For More Content Income

People never buy just one product.  It’s true with gym memberships, weight loss programs, gadgets, and even information!

By learning the information included in Publishing Path Profits, you’ll always be ready to crank out a ton of profitable content that your fans and readers can’t wait to purchase...over and over again.

Do The Work Once - Get Paid Again and Again

There’s nothing better than doing something one time and reaping the benefits over and over.

With the information I’ll give you in this training, you’ll learn how to setup various types of content that you can reap a bounty from while only needing to create it one time.

Truly Passive Income You Can Depend On

Along with creating content once and getting paid again and again, the real benefit is that you’ll have all types of content (i.e. books, digital, ect.) that will work for you around the clock, attracting passive money into your bank account.

Money that you can depend on month after month and that you can grow forever.

All while you go about life doing the things you truly enjoy.

But Here’s The Real Question:
“Is Publishing Path Profits Right For YOU?”

First of all, let me say that this isn’t some ‘get rich quick’ kind of thing that you see everyday online.

I’m just not into that.  And I definitely wouldn’t waste your time with that nonsense either.

Truth is, anyone can create content...

But not everyone knows the correct elements nor the sequential order you need to put things in for it to be a complete success.

And I’m guessing you want to be able to do the latter right?

Well, that’s where I can help you.

You’ll watch over my shoulder as I take you through every detail of building your brand new income stream through publishing content.

But I’m getting a little ahead of myself…

So let me answer your question.  “Is Publishing Path Profits right for you?” Well if you’re tired of the rat race and you want to do more with your life, then I’m guessing the answer is yes.

Or if you’ve ever dreamt of writing your first novel, traveling the world and seeing beautiful lands, or even just building your nest egg for retirement...then I’m guessing the answer is yes.

Or if you just feel like life is passing you by and opportunity is looking at you in the rearview mirror, then I’m pretty sure Publishing Path Profits is for you.

The amazing thing is once you learn this skill and these secrets then you’ll literally have UNLIMITED earning potential.

That’s no joke.

All it takes is for you to make one simple decision to come hang out with me for the next 30 days...but that same decision will pay you dividends for the rest of your life.

Plus, I’ll Give You A HIGHLY Valuable and Special
Bonus For Signing Up Today...Done For You Templates
(Available To the First 100 People Only…)

Publishing Path Profits is already worth more than the investment that I’m charging today. But just to sweeten the deal and make it even easier for you to succeed, I’m going to include a set of special done for you content templates.

These templates will help speed up things in your online business and even let you outsource items at lightning speed! And they’re super easy to use!  You only need to fill in the blanks and off you go.

Nothing’s left out.  You’ll find all the tools you need for:

  • Email marketing
  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Publicity
  • Advertising
  • Outsourcing
  • Product creation
  • Online selling
  • Affiliate management
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Networking
  • Content marketing

And so much more!

You Could Probably Mess 50% Of This Stuff Up
 and STILL Get Results...

I wish I could tell you that I was perfect at everything I do when it comes to creating profitable content of all sorts.

But...that’s just not true.

Sure, I’m a LOT better at it today than when I first began, but I still make mistakes from time to time.  And you will too.

But it’s ok if you do.  You don’t have to get it perfect to get it right from the start. You just need to get it going.  And then you can perfect it later.

I know this all too well.  That’s why I’m making sure to minimize your learning curve by creating video training sessions.

And even if that’s not enough, don’t forget that I’m also including the special resources for each module so you always have a checklist or reference of some sort to go back to in case you ever get stuck.

No Need To Rush At All. Go At Your Own Pace If You Want...

Listen, I of all people know that life can (and always does) get in the way.

If that happens, don’t worry about it.  I’m not going anywhere and I’m committed to your success.

Even if it takes you 60 days to complete everything, that’s only 2 months until you’re ready to start producing brand new income streams like clockwork.

And you’ll be able to watch the training anywhere you have an internet connection.

At soccer practice with the kids?  No problem. Just login and watch.

On the train with a long commute?  Fire up the training and get going.

You’ll see that when you join my special Publishing Path Profits group, I’m doing everything within my power to make this as easy as possible for you.

All you need to do is show up and take action on what I show you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is this course about?

Publishing Path Profits reveals how to effectively create, position, and sell paid content. You'll create assets that pay you over and over again.

Q. Who is this for?

This is for anyone who wants to make money with content. Whether you want to publish and sell:

  • Books
  • Printables
  • Low content material
  • Courses
  • Or nearly any type of content

This is for anyone who wants to create income streams with content:

  • Publishers
  • Authors
  • Bloggers
  • Online Marketers
  • Service Providers
  • And more!

The success strategies for building content assets that pay you over and over again are the same.

Q. How is the training delivered?

All the training is available inside the secure members’ area, which you get immediate access to once you complete your order. The printed materials are in PDF format, and the videos are in .mp4 format.

You can download everything from the site, and can read/view the materials via any computer, tablet or even your smartphone!

Q. Do I need to have a niche, or any type of experience?

No! I'll share with you how to get started even if you're a beginner, no experience necessary. And, if you already have a niche or content, I'll share how you can leverage that even faster.

But if that’s not enough...

Here’s My ‘Take It To The Bank’ Guarantee

I KNOW that the Publishing Path Profits is everything you’ll ever need to build brand new sustainable income streams that can help you live the life you’ve always dreamt about.

With these special set of done for your fill in the blank content templates, you’ll have everything thing you need to consistently grow your content assets  month after month while marketing your business more effectively in less time.

This Is One of the Best Investments You Can Make...

Everyday people are spending money on things that won’t bring them happiness. What’s worse is that they spend money on things that doesn’t even make them money.

And I’m not just talking about your 4K TV’s or even your daily latte from Starbucks.

There’s even people who spend $40,000 a year on college educations that never produces a skill that creates income on demand for them.

And maybe that’s you?

So how about for once in your life putting that weekly pizza, daily coffee drink, or even a tiny percentage of what you’d pay for a semester at college, - how about putting that money to good use today and invest in a skill that’s ALWAYS going to be marketable?

Just think about it for a moment…

You’re literally only one decision away from retiring from the dreaded rat race and getting on with the life you know you (and maybe your family) absolutely deserve.

So if you’re ready to take things to another level and learn the digital content publishing secrets I’ve been using to rake in a small fortune, then go ahead and use the button below to claim your spot now.

I look forward to working with you.

P.S. So what are you waiting for?

You’re only a few minutes away from learning how to produce passive income streams with content...  

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