
Headline (give 2-3 example headlines for Amy to pick from)


Insert Video

Hi, Amy Harrop here,...

(insert 3-4 sentences for Amy's intro of product)

Modify or use this as an example: 

You may know that I’m absolutely crazy about low content printables and digital downloads. These products are easy to create, and people buy them over and over again.

I'm always on the look out for high demand niches with low competition, and I've found a great one that I can't wait to share with you. You'll want to get in on this early, before others discover it! This is a printable niche that buyers love!

The best part is these printables don’t require a lot of work to create... in fact no writing is needed and you don't need to be a graphic designer...  Plus, you can create them once and get paid over and over again!

To Be Clear, There’s A HUGE Market That Is Looking To Purchase Products That You Can Easily Create... And They Have Cash In Hand Right Now!

You’d be amazed at just how this type of content creates rabid fans and buyers. And, they are super easy to create...

Headline about Specific Niche

(2-4 sentences about type of printable)

Subheadline about popularity of niche

(2-4 sentences about why type of printable is popular)

graphic examples of popularity of niche

2-4 sentences about popularity of marketplace or selling the niche on the marketplace.

(insert infographic below with popularity of printable - delete this text box once done)

Insert Image

Subheadline about popularity of product

Here Are Just a Few Examples of ... (insert text about what examples you are showing)

Insert Image
Insert Image
Insert Image
Insert Image

Insert 3-4 sentences about popularity of Etsy and other popular marketplaces.

Note: This will be depend on the emphasis of the product: Etsy or Amazon or other marketplaces. This also might be shortened.

Example: To Be Clear, There’s A HUGE Market That Is Looking To Purchase Products That You Can Easily Create... And They Have Cash In Hand Right Now!

You’d be amazed at just how this type of content creates rabid fans and buyers. And, they are super easy to create...

And, many but not all of these buyers are on Etsy...

According to, Etsy has been steadily growing over the last 8 years and is on it's way to becoming a billion dollar marketplace.


US Alexa Rank

Ranked by Alexa as 41 in the US and 136 in the world for traffic. 



Has over 45.7 million buyers and 80% of these are repeat customers.


Billion in Sales

Users’ shops generated $4.97 Billion in sales in 2019.

And this is just Etsy! There are a number of other popular marketplaces you can also sell educational printables on quickly and easily...

Introducing **Title of Product**...

(insert product box below - then delete this text box)

Insert Image

**Name of Product** reveals...(insert text about what is revealed in the product)

This is brand-new training and implementation that has been specially created to...(insert text about why it was created.)

Insert 2-3 sentences

Example text: No Huge Learning Curve & No Special Skills Required...

Example text: Everything I’m including will give you exactly what you need to publish fast. In fact, 99% of the work is done for you!



Insert stat here

insert url of stat here



Insert stat here

insert url of stat here



Insert stat here

insert url of stat here

Here’s Everything You’ll Receive When You Get Access To **Product Name**

The Easy In-Depth **Product Name** PDF Guide

Insert 2-3 sentences about guide.  

  • One thing they will learn from the pdf.
  • One thing they will learn from the pdf. 
  • One thing they will learn from the pdf.
  • One thing they will learn from the pdf.
  • One thing they will learn from the pdf.
  • One thing they will learn from the pdf.

(insert pages of guide blurred out below- delete this text box when done)

Insert Image

Headline about Checklist(s), if included

Insert 2-3 sentences about the checklists and what they can use them for.

(insert checklist(s) image blurred out below, then delete this text box)

Insert Image

Over-The-Shoulder Video Training

Insert 2-3 sentences about the videos. (Can use example.)

Example: Besides the guide and checklists, I’ve also created a set of easy to follow videos that show the exact steps you need to take. 

Because some people are visual learners, I wanted to make sure to cover all the bases and give you every advantage for getting off to a great start right out of the gate!

These videos will help accomplish that.

(insert image of videos below, do not blur - delete this text box when done)

Insert Image
Insert Image

Headline about Worksheet(s), if included

Insert 2-3 sentences about the worksheets and what they can use them for.

(insert worksheet(s) blurred out below, then delete this text box)

Insert Image

Headline about Templates and/or Graphics

Insert 2-3 sentences about templates and graphics. Can use this example as well.

Example: These come with full commercial use rights, you can modify and publish the end result  as your own.

(example bullet list below of what they get)

  • Beautifully designed printable templates all in easy-to-edit PowerPoint format.
  • The exact same printable templates in my favorite new online tool Canva.
  • Custom-tailored for these hot-selling **type of market** printables niches.
  • Tutorial Videos revealing how to quickly change or tweak the designs. 

(insert templates and graphics(s) below, then delete this text box)

Insert Image
Insert Image

So How About A Quick Peek Inside The Guide?

There are **number** pages of non-fluff content that are ripe with strategies for the **type** market.

Here’s just a sample of what you’ll discover:

  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)
  • Something they will learn. (p.**number**)

And A Whole Lot More!

Here's What Customers Say About My Trainings: 

"Amy's Easy Content System provides great info concisely. I could get to the meat fast without wading through a lot of fluff."

~ Amy Smereck

"Ease of use. Simple laid out instructions. Lots of value for the money."

~ Daryl S Williams

"You offer very detailed training that includes action steps."

~ Lori Winslow

"Very clear and useful."

~ Javier Alvarez

"The information is easy to read and understand."

~ Greg Hain

"Extremely doable. I've created a lot of low-content products to give away and have added many new subscribers as a result. I also created low-content products as a supplement to my paid product, which increased its value so I am able to charge more for it."

~ Lexi

"Easy Content System and Content Profit Hacks have been very helpful. The training pointed me to a ton of useful resources that I would never have found on my own. The ideas and strategies on how to create content without getting frustrated or wasting a lot of time are extremely valuable."

~ Steven Wellman

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What Is **Name of Product**?

**Name of Product** is...(insert 2-3 sentences about product) 

Q. Where can I sell the products I create with **Name of Product**?

The training focuses primarily on Etsy, Teachers Pay Teachers, and Amazon, **insert any other sites they can use for that printable** but you can also sell these on a variety of other sites.

Q. How is the training delivered?

Everything is available inside the secure members’ area, which you get immediate access to once you complete your order. The printed materials are in PDF format, and the videos are in .mp4 format. The templates are in PPT format.

You can download everything from the site, and can read/view the materials via any computer, tablet or even your smartphone!

Q. Who is this for?

Anyone who wants to create income streams with little to no writing and no special skills required.

Publishers and Low Content Creators, Authors, Bloggers, Online Marketers, Service Providers, and more!

The success strategies for creating easy learning printables are the same.

Q. Can I get started if I am new?

Absolutely! I show you what to do step by step. And on top of that, once you have this knowledge, you will be unstoppable and you will be on your way to printable success. Isn't that exciting? 

Q. Do I have to do any shipping myself?

Absolutely not. You can sell digital downloads, or your products can be shipped automatically for you...this is a true virtual opportunity.

Plus, When You Get Started Today...You’ll Receive These AMAZING Fast Action Bonuses!

Now, let me be clear...**Product Name** is worth its weight in gold and then some.  As a matter of fact, I should be charging at least DOUBLE...

However, as my way of saying thanks for giving **Product Name** a try, I want to include these bonuses at no extra cost to you when you get access today.

(insert image of bonus below - delete this text box when done)

Insert Image

Name of Bonus

Information about bonus.

(insert image of bonus below - delete this text box when done)

Insert Image

Name of Bonus

Information about bonus.

(insert image of bonus below - delete this text box when done)

Insert Image

Name of Bonus

Information about bonus.

Here's everything that's included today

  • Info about guide. ($** VALUE)
  • Info about checklist(s) ($** VALUE)
  • Info about videos. ($** VALUE)
  • Info about templates and graphics. ($** VALUE)
  • Info about worksheets ($** VALUE)
  • BONUS: **Name of Bonus** ($** VALUE)
  • BONUS: **Name of Bonus** ($** VALUE)
  • BONUS: **Name of Bonus** ($** VALUE)

TOTAL VALUE = $**Add up numbers and insert here**

And it's backed by my rock-solid guarantee. Go through all the materials, **checklists, videos, and bonuses (if included)**, and see for yourself how simple it is to create high-quality items with little-to-no writing in incredibly popular **insert type of niche** niches.

Ending Headline

Recap of what's included and why they should buy it.

Go ahead and do it now. You won’t regret it. I guarantee it.

To Your Success,

Amy Harrop

p.s. **insert text here**

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