The market for printable products aimed at kids is huge. Teachers and parents are always looking for ways to engage and excite kids and make them eager to learn. While there are already thousands of products designed to teach kids math, grammar, and history, there’s one category … [Read more...]
6 Best Practices for Creating Printable and POD Images with AI
You can’t go anywhere online without seeing articles talking about artificial intelligence or content and images created with AI tools such as DALL-E 3 or The question looming for many of us who create digital products using AI is this: What are the best … [Read more...]
Are You Sleeping on Printable Greeting Cards to Boost Your Income?
There was a time not too long ago when it seemed as if paper greeting cards were destined to meet the same fate as answering machines and other obsolete items. Everybody was talking about (and choosing) e-cards and evites. Cards could be sent in the blink of an eye. But despite … [Read more...]
Your Complete Guide to Making Printable Wall Art with AI
Wall art provides people with an easy way to personalize their living space or office. Printable or print on demand art is easy to create, requires no artistic training, and can be sold many times. In other words, the earning potential is truly limitless! One of our favorite … [Read more...]
What We Know About Etsy’s New Gift Mode (and How Printable Sellers Can Capitalize on It)
If you sell printables on Etsy, you already know that it’s a popular online marketplace where people shop for items for themselves and others. Since gifting from Etsy is already a thing, we’re not surprised that Etsy has recently announced the arrival of Etsy Gift Mode. With … [Read more...]