A wise man once said that every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Some more wise words to live by? Always begin with the end in mind. If you don’t know what your ultimate destination is, how can you chart the perfect course that takes you from where you … [Read more...]
Book Fairs and Library Talks? The Surprising Value of Offline Marketing
Nowadays, it seems that just about everyone is obsessed with online marketing. But have you ever thought about what promoting your books offline could do for your career as a self-published author? In a world where practically everyone has access to the internet on a computer … [Read more...]
How Publishing A Book Can Help You Sell Your Product
Very few authors make a fortune from book sales. Actually, that’s not true: not even a small percentage of published authors make a living from their royalties. And those are the writers who have book deals. That begs the question: why do so many people dip their toe into … [Read more...]
How to Set Up and Execute an Effective Blog Tour
One of the simplest but most effective ways for self-published authors to get the word out about their new books is by carrying out a book blog tour. A well-executed blog tour makes it easy for you to gain widespread exposure quickly and to get on the radar of large groups of … [Read more...]
Is 1000 True Fans Still Relevant for Self-Publishers?
The 1000 true fans concept is nothing new. In fact, the idea is well over a decade old and became popular via a blog post written by Kevin Kelly of Wired Magazine. He brought attention to the thought that just about anyone with a good product or service to sell can earn at … [Read more...]
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